
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

For Learning English

A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
အကမတက္ေတာ့ ဖ်ာအၿပစ္တင္ 

A barking dog seldom bites.
ေဟာင္လြန္းေသာေခြး လူမေလး

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

စာအုပ္ဆိုတာ အိတ္ကပ္ထဲယူသြားႏိုင္တဲ့ ဥယ်ာဥ္တစ္ခုပါ
A book is like a garden in the pocket.

မီးေလာင္ခံရေသာကေလးသည္ မီးကိုေၾကာက္သည္
A burnt child dreads fire.

ေရနစ္ေနေသာသူသည္ ေကာက္ရိုးမွ်င္ကိုပင္ဆြဲလိမ့္မည္
A drowning man will catch at a straw.

ထန္းရည္မူး ကၽႊဲခိုးေပၚ
A drunkard can never keep secrets.

၀န္ခံသည္. အၿပစ္တစ္ခုသည္ တ၀က္ၿပုၿပင္ၿပီးၿဖစ္လိမ္.မည္
A fault confessed is half redressed.

A fool and his money are soon departed.

လူရူးလူမိုက္ တစ္ဦးသည္ ဥာဏ္ပညာရွိသူအား အၾကံေပးေကာင္းေပးလိမ္.မည္ 
= A fool may give a wise man counsel.

အေရးၾကံုက မိတ္ေကာင္းပ = A friend in need is a friend indeed.

မိတ္ေဆြတစ္ဦးကို ရရွိရန္ထက္ ဆံုးရွုံးရန္က ပို၍လြယ္၏
A friend is easier lose than found.

အမွီေကာင္းလွ်င္တစ္ခ်က္ အေနေကာင္းလွ်င္တစ္သက္
A good aim means a sure short, and wise dealings mean perpetual success.

ေခြးလိမၼာတစ္ေကာင္သည္ အရိုးေကာင္းတစ္ေခ်ာင္းႏွင္ထိုက္တန္သည္
A good dog deserves a good bone.

အေၿခေကာင္းမွ အေနေကာင္းမည္
A good foundation ensures a good status.

လင္ေယာက္်ားေကာင္းတစ္ဦးသည္ ဇနီးေကာင္းတစ္ဦးကိုေမြးထုတ္ေပးႏိုင္သည္
A good husband makes a good wife.

နာမည္ေကာင္းတစ္ခုရွိၿခင္းသည္ ခ်မ္းသာၾကြယ္၀ၿခင္းထက္ပို၍ေကာင္းသည္
A good name is better than riches.

အၿပစ္ရွိေနသၿဖင့္ လိပ္ၿပာမသန္.ရွင္းသည္ ၊ စြပ္စြဲမည့္သူမလို
A guilty conscience needs no accuser.

ေလးလံေနသည့္ ပိုက္ဆံအိတ္တစ္လံုးသည္ စိတ္ႏွလံုးကိုေပါ့ပါးေစသည္
A heavy purse makes a light heart.

ဆာေလာင္မြတ္သိပ္ေနသူတစ္ဦးသည္ ေဒါသၿဖစ္ေနသူတစ္ဦးၿဖစ္သည္
A hungry man is an angry man.

ဆင္ပိန္လွ်င္ ကၽႊဲေလာက္ရွိေသး၏
A lean elephant is still as stout as a sturdy buffalo.

ပညာရဲရင့္ ပြဲလယ္တင့္
A learned man is honored by others.

A man does not die of threats.

ေၾကြးတင္ေနသူတစ္ဦးသည္ ပိုက္ကြန္တစ္ခုထဲတြင္မိေနသည္
A man in debt is caught in a net.

ေသးငယ္သည့္ အခက္အခဲမ်ားကိုသည္းမခံႏိုင္သူသည္ ၾကီးမားသည့္အရာမ်ားကို မည္သည့္အခါ မွၿပီးစီးေအာင္လုပ္ႏိုင္မည္မဟုတ္
A man who cannot tolerate small ills can never accomplish great things.

လူတစ္ေယာက္၏ေနအိမ္သည္ သူ၏ရဲတိုက္ၿဖစ္သည္
A man’s house is his castle.

A penny saved is a penny gained.

A pound of care won’t pay and ounce of debt.

A scabby head fears the comb.

A short way is often a wrong way.

A small rubbish dump can burn down a tower.

It is never too late to mend.

A thing begun is half done.

A trills can lead to a catastrophe.

A willing helper does not wait to be called.

A wise course of action whereby neither party suffers.

A wise man changes his mind sometimes, a fool never.

A wise man does not reveal anger.

A woman’s modesty cannot be bought with gold.

A wonder lasts nine days.

ပညာရွိတစ္ဦးအတြက္ စကားတစ္လံုးၿဖင့္ပင္လံုေလာက္သည္
A word to the wise is enough.

ခြဲခြာေနၿခင္းသည္ခ်စ္ၿခင္းက ိုတိုးပြားေစသည္
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

လုပ္ရပ္သည္စကားလံုးမ်ားထက္ပို၍ က်ယ္ေလာင္စြာစကားေၿပာသည္
Action speaks louder than words.

After a storm comes a calm.

After the manner of its kind, or a chip of the old block.

All covet , all lose.

All is not gold that glitters.

All that glitters is not gold.

အခ်စ္နွင့္စစ္တြင္ ဘာလုပ္လုပ္တရားသည္
All’s fair in love and war.

All’s well that ends well.

မ်က္မၿမင္သူမ်ားၾကား မ်က္လံုးတစ္လံုးရွိသူသည္ ဘုရင္္ၿဖစ္သည္
Among the blind the one – eyed man is king.

An army marches on its stomach.

An empty bag will not stand upright.

အားလပ္ေနသည့္ဦးေနွာက္သည္ မာရ္နတ္မင္း၏အလုပ္ရံုၿဖစ္သည္
An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.

An old bird is not to be caught with chaff.

သက္ၾကီးရြယ္အိုတစ္ဦး၏စကားသည္ မွားခဲသည္
An old man’s saying is rarely untrue.

သည္းခံၿခင္းတစ္ေအာင္စသည္ ဦးေနွာက္တစ္ေပါင္ထက္ပိုေကာင္းသည္
An ounce of patience is worth a pound of brains.

ကာကြယ္မွုတစ္ေအာင္စသည္ ကုသၿခင္းတစ္ေပါင္ထက္ပိုေကာင္းသည္
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Appetite is the best sauce and sincere friends the nearest kith and kin.

As long as the eggs are not broken ; the nest will be alright.

သိုးငယ္တစ္ေကာင္အတြက္အၿပစ္ခံရၿခင္း ထက္သိုးၾကီးတစ္ေကာင္ အတြက္အၿပစ္ခံရၿခင္း ကပိုေကာင္းသည္
As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.

အိပ္ရာခင္းသၿဖင့္ သင္သည္အိပ္ရလိမ့္မည္
As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

စိုက္ပ်ိဴးေသာေၾကာင့္ သင္သည္ရိတ္သိမ္းရလိမ့္မည္
As you sow , so you shall reap.

နည္းနည္းရရန္အတြက္ မ်ားမ်ားေတာင္းပါ
Ask much to get little.

Authority in the hands of the fool will make him a tyrant.

မေကာင္းမုုုုုုုုုုုုွကိုသင္ေရွာင္ၾကဥ္ပါ။ မေကာင္းမွုကသင့္ကိုေရွာင္ၾကဥ္လိမ့္မည္
Avoid evil and it will avoid thee.

= Bad never becomes good till something worse happens.

ေဟာင္ေသာေခြးမ်ားသည္ တစ္ခါတရံမွသာကိုက္သည္
Barking dogs seldom bite.

Beat out the iron while it is hot.

Before you bit look for the snare.

သူေတာင္းစားမ်ားသည္ ေရြးခ်ယ္ရမည့္သူမ်ားမဟုတ္
Beggars must not be choosers.

လူေတာ္တစ္ေယာက္၏ေနာက္၌ အၿခားလူေတာ္မ်ားစြာရွိသည္
Behind an able man there are always other able man.

ဥာဏ္ပညာရွိၿခင္းထက္ေပ်ာ္ရႊင္ၿခင္းက ပို၍ေကာင္းသည္
Better be happy than wise.

လံုး၀ေရာက္မလာသည္ထက္စာလွ်င္ ေနာက္က်ေရာက္လာသည္က ပို၍ေကာင္းေသးသည္
Better late than never.

Better not to have, than not to know.

ေရစပ္နံေဘး၌ ငါးရရန္ေမွ်ာ္လင့္ေနၿခင္းထက္ အိမ္ၿပန္၍ကြန္ယက္သည္ကပိို၍ ေကာင္းေသးသည္
Better return home and make a net than long for fish by the waterside.

လိမ္ညာမွုၿဖင့္ၾကီးပြားၿခင္းထက္ အမွန္တရားအတြက္ ခံစားရၿခင္းကပို၍ေကာင္းသည္
Better suffer for truth than prosper by falsehood.

လူၾကီးတစ္ဦးငိုေၾကြးၿခင္းထက္ ကေလးငယ္တစ္ဦး ငိုေၾကြးၿခင္းကပို၍ေကာင္းသည္
Better the child cry than the old man.

မိခင္သက္ၿပင္းခ်မည္ထက္ ကေလးငယ္ငိုသည္က ပို၍ေကာင္းေသးသည္
Better the child should cry than the mother sigh.

သင့္အားသဘာ၀မက်စြာေၿမွာက္ပင့္ေၿပာဆိုသူကိုသတိထားပါ။ သူသည္မတရား စြာအၿပစ္ တင္လိမ့္မည္
Beware of one who flatters unduly ; he will also censure unjustly.

Big attempts which end in failure. Vain efforts.

ေကာင္းမြန္မွုမ်ားသည္ဘယ္ေသာအခါမွအစုလိုက္အၿပံဳလိုက္မလာ။ ကံဆိုးမွုမ်ားသည္ ဘယ္ေသာအခါမွတစ္ခုတည္းမလာ
Blessing never come in pairs: misfortunes never come alone.

Blood is thicker than water.

Blood may be thicker than water, but life is sweeter than blood.

စာအုပ္မ်ားနွင့္သူငယ္ခ်င္းမ်ားသည္ နည္းနည္းနွင့္ေကာင္းေကာင္းၿဖစ္သင့္သည္
Books and friends should be few and good.

စာအုပ္နွင့္မိတ္ေဆြကို နည္းနည္းပဲထားသင့္သည္ ၊ ဒါေပမယ့္ေကာင္းရမည္
Books and friends should be few but good.

Books are our friends.

သစ္ခက္မ်ားကိုေၿဖာင့္ေအာင္လုပ္၍ရေကာင္းရမည္ၿဖစ္ေသာ္လည္းၾကာၿမင့္ေနၿပီၿူဖစ္သည့္္ ပင္စည္မ်ားကိုမူလုပ္၍မရ
Branches may be made straight, but not an old trunk.

Bullers are generally cowards.

အၿခားလူမ်ား၏အားနည္းခ်က္မ်ားၿဖင့္ပညာရွိသူမ်ားသည္ မိမိတို့၏အားနည္းခ်က္မ်ားကိုၿပဳၿပင္သည္
 By others faults wise men correct their own.

Care more for your mother than for your aunt. ( Gratitude should not be misplaced )

ဒါနၿပဳၿခင္းသည္အိမ္၌စၿပီး အိမ္၌မၿပီးဆံုးသင့္ေပ
Charity begins at home but should not end there.

ျမန္မာစကားပံုအလွစကားပံု ဆိုတဲ ့ပို ့စ္ေလး ကိုသေဘာက် လို ့ျပန္ေ၀မွ်ေပး လိုက္ပါတယ္..
မူရင္း ဘေလာ ့ဂ္ဂါ က အဂၤလိပ္လိုလဲ ဘာသာျပန္ေရးေပးထားတယ္။ တစ္ခ်ဳိ ့စကားပံုေတြဆို က်ေနာ္ ၾကားေတာင္မၾကားဖူးလို ့ ဗဟုသုတအေနနဲ ့ ျပန္ေ၀မွ် လိုက္တာပါ.... ေပ်ာ္ရႊင္နိုင္ၾကပါေစ........။


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2. IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor

3. IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor

4. IELTS Essay, topic: children and rules

5. IELTS Essay, topic: The advantages and disadvantages of globalization

6. IELTS Essay, topic: the positive and the negative sides of globalization

7. IELTS Essay, topic: Smoking in public places

8. IELTS Essay, topic: Leisure time activities

9. IELTS Essay, topic: Globalization

10. IELTS Essay, topic: The Internet and communication

11. IELTS Essay, topic: Environmental problems

12. IELTS Essay, topic: Should tobacco be prohibited?

13. IELTS Essay, Topic: Avoiding traffic accidents

14. IELTS Essay, Topic: Is financial education at school a must?

16. IELTS Essay, topic: Computers instead of teachers

17. IELTS Essay, topic: Space exploration

18. IELTS Essay, topic: Financial education

19. IELTS Essay, topic: The Internet as a source of information

20. IELTS Essay, topic: Advertising

21. IELTS Essay, topic: Events bringing people together

22. IELTS Essay, topic: University money better spent on libraries or sports

23. IELTS Essay, Topic: Reasons for and against dieting

24. IELTS Essay, topic: Critical factors to the development of a country

25. IELTS essay, topic – People moving into English speaking countries

26. IELTS Essay, topic: Learning about the past

27. IELTS Essay, topic: Education with or without a teacher

28. IELTS Essay, topic: A popular hobby rather than a favorite passtime

29. IELTS Essay, topic: keeping pets to live a more enjoyable life

30. IELTS Essay, topic: Capital Punishment

31. IELTS Essay, topic: Modern medicine helps to live longer

32. IELTS Essay, topic: the mother’s and father’s role in a family














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We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?
In the last two decades cybernetics have experienced a major breakthrough .This led to the utilization of computers in nearly all parts of our daily life, from personal computers to the ones performing complicated surgeries. Surely the uptake of this technology facilitates a lot of difficult tasks but is this excessive dependance ripping the warmth out of our lives? In this essay, I will outline how the availability of computers affects our lives.

Most of the daily tasks an individual experiences are time and effort consuming. These two fundemental qualities could be tremendously saved by the use of computers. The average period required to prepare a decent meal for a middle-class family is around an hour to and hour and a half when using traditional methods. This time could be literally reduced to half if computerized decivesare used instead. Moreover, a busy businessman is enabled to easily close a profitable deal with just a touch on this highly programmed laptop while enjoying his family vacation and not having to exert an extra effort of traveling long distances in order to sign a deal.
On the other hand, new generations are growing remarkably dependent on these modern utilities, which makes them handicapped when it comes to preparing a cup of tea. Inaddition, psychologists suggest that one of the main reasons for sucidal rate increase is the recent electric inventions. This is due to the fact that humans by nature stay emotionally healthy through socializing, but due to the importance of modern technology to maintain a financially satisfying standard of life they gradually isulate themselves. As time passes by each of these individuals gets stuck in a vicious circle of loneliness that eventually leads to suicidal attempts especially among youngsters.
In conclusion, similarly to every other invention computers have their benefits and drawbacks, I personally think it all depends upon how we use the given tools . Moderation is the key here to keep the balance and allow us to live in harmony.
This is a good essay, nice vocabulary, a little too long (340 words instead of 250), a few grammatical mistakes. The topic is not fully covered (what about the “things will they be used for in future” part?).

IELTS Essay, topic: Rich countries should help the poor

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Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas.
Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialised countries which the main difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such as education, health and commerce. Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system and a weak international trade. This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.

Most of the African countries live in sub-human conditions because of the extreme poverty, upheaval, hunger, disease, unemployment, lack of education and both inexperienced and corrupt administrations. The devastating consequences of the AIDS epidemic in those countries could improve if the infected population were to receive free drugs to control the disease, have access to health professionals and get information on how to prevent its spread. But this can only be achieved through international help programs in which leaders of the world’s richest countries donate medicine and also send doctors and nurses to treat and educate those in need.
Moreover, most of the poor countries rely on selling agricultural products and raw materials to rich nations and buying industrialized products from them resulting in a huge financial deficit. Consequently, they borrow a significant amount of money from the World Bank to try to improve their broken economies, but sometimes the money disappears with no significant changes and they cannot even pay the interest to the bank. Regarding this issue, last year the G8, which is comprised of leaders of the eight richest nations, decided to forgive billions of dollars worth of debt owed by the world’s poorest nations. In addition, they developed adequate loan programs to financially assist those countries.
In conclusion, leaders of the industrialised countries play an indispensable role in assisting developing nations in dealing with essential areas such as health, education and trade. Also, their aid is the key to breaking the vicious cycle, which results in poverty and death.
This is a great essay, seems to be on a Band 8 level, there’s nothing to improve here.

IELTS Essay, Topic: Reasons for and against dieting

Dieting can change a person’s life for the better or ruins one’s health completely. What’s your opinion?
Dieting seems to be part of our life in this modern society, especially for those who are health conscious. Different people choose different type of dieting methods, trying to achieve what they believe to be good for either their health or physical appearance. In general, most of the people who diet are focusing on controlling their weight.
In our urban society, most of the working class person does not have the opportunity to consume a healthy meal. Their daily meals consist of fast food which contains large amounts of fat and salt. The most significant prove of this unhealthy lifestyle is the weight gain especially among those middle age working professionals.

Therefore, most of these young and energetic people have to control their diet in order to stay in shape either for their appearance or health. The most common and proper method of maintaining one’s weight is eating less oily food, preferably more green vegetables, fruits and avoid alcohol.

However, some have resorted to losing weight by taking their diet to the extreme, not eating at all for days. Others will make themselves vomit after each meal. Many others will go for dieting medication and beverages that help them to lose their appetite. These unhealthy dieting will cause internal damage in the long run.
In my opinion, dieting for better health is more important than solely for looking attractive. Individuals who wish to control their weight should seek professional advise if they are unable to reduce their weight after switching over to a healthy diet for a period of time. Losing weight and losing your health at the same time does not benefit any individual.
This essay needs some work. The first body paragraph explains the reason people have for dieting, whereas it should explain what are the advantages or the dangers of it. The second body paragraph explains how to diet, whereas it should present arguments for or against dieting. Therefore, the task is only partially covered here.
On the bright side, the sentences are well-structured and the vocabulary is sufficient, the usage of linking words is fluent and the spelling and grammar are mostly fine (see comments underlined in blue). Overall, this looks like a Band 6 essay.

IELTS Essay, topic: Critical factors to the development of a country

Some people say education is the only critical factor to the development of a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
One the one hand good education is a highly recommended skill in the developed countries, on the other hand the highest wish of many people in regions of poverty. But what makes education to the key factor for the development of a country?

We must acknowledge that education is something that we all need. The differences are just what we learn. Mostly the limited educational horizons of poor and less educated people have more to deal with their personal situation than with problems of bigger effects on a country. Attending school is sometimes too expensive and it does not feed a family.

Nevertheless there must be a reason for education. For me it looks like some countries have realized that Education is the key for the globalization process. If we take India for example we can see that a change in the educational system had changed the economy of the country. The country has changed from a poor region to a high potential aria for IT knowledge.
In regard to this fact it is a must that the Governments of less developed countries take the power of education seriously and offer it to a wide range of people. Spending money for education is the key tippy title=”for”]to[/tippy] a new future effects on the economy and social life. All in all I agree with the importance of education for the development of a country. Less knowledge leads to poverty and not to knowledge that has wide effects. Learning and Knowledge is Power and an investment in the near future and therefore it has to be an official task.
This essay covers the task. It has a good structure, however the conclusion paragraph is too big – consider splitting it into 2 paragraphs, with the last one being the conclusion. As to the structure of sentences, there are several sentences that should be rephrased (see comments for suggestions). The grammar also needs some attention (see underlined in blue comments for details). Overall, this looks like a band 6.5 essay.

IELTS essay, topic – People moving into English speaking countries

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Millions of people every year move to English- speaking countries such as Australia, Britain or America, in order to study at school, college or university. Why do so many people want to study in English? Why is English such an important international language?
Nowadays, language becomes a major factor to become a successful person. Many people prefer to study abroad to English-speaking country because English is an international language. There is no doubt that the best way to improve the English language skill is to use the English language daily so if people study in English speaking countries, their English skill will be improved automatically and it will give them some advantages such as they can work in many countries or they will be able travelling to many different places without studying other languages. This essay will describe in detail why English is an important international language.__

Firstly, the English language is widely used in many countries and at present, the world traders are currently developing rapidly. In order to compete with people from different countries, it is very essential to be able to communicate with the English language. For example, China has been improving a lot in many sectors. They are able to compete with other countries because many people in China aware the important English language and they are trying hard to study English.

Secondly, many companies prefer to employ people who can speak English because if the companies create new branch in different countries, the employers are able to move the new branch without employ new people and the branch company is still able to communicate with the central company. In fact, one of the largest companies in the world (Google) has created some branch in different countries and each of the Google employers is able to discuss things or otherwise communicate even though they are in different countries because they all use English to communicate.
In conclusion, many people move to English speaking countries for further studies because they believe that it will improve their English skills and in order to become a successful person in the future, mastering English is very essential.
This essay is too long (313 words instead of 250-265). It isn’t a problem on its own, but wasting time on writing more content that you don’t get extra marks for is not wise. Also, the more content you write, the more room for mistakes you create. There are a lot of poorly structured sentences and grammatical errors (see comments underlined in blue). Overall, this looks like a Band 6 – 6.5 essay.

IELTS Essay, topic: Learning about the past

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Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Evaluation of the importance of timing is essential, many people they are sticking to past to show the importance of their present, while many shows that no need to even remember their past because it would not help them at all. It is a very controversial and complicated matter.
Do not look to past, many people believe on this statement, for many reasons. Firstly, all of us had made many mistakes which we would not like to remember, they will affect their present because they can create some problems with our families as example. Secondly, instead of remembering those past trials, one should get the benefits of their present.
Regardless of what I said previously, many people are sticking to their past to give themselves a push in their present. It can give you a way of learning from your mistakes, and a good chance to try to avoid anything that once lead to a past failure.

Moreover, success will not come without failure, everybody should make an attempt, even if it fails, and it may become a big success if they try it again and again. In addition, our past is our culture and heritage which we should not forget at all, it is a matter of value to our present and future, and will remain such till the day will die.
To sum up, in my opinion, we can not live without a past, it is our value of life. Beside it can help create your experiences and solve your problems better in the future.
This essay is too short – it should be at least 250 words, writing less words means getting penalized. The structure of sentences needs work and so does the grammar. Do not address the “audience”, write in general (See the comments for the last sentence of the third paragraph). Overall, this looks like a Band 6 work. See comments underlined in blue for more details.

IELTS Essay, topic: Education with or without a teacher

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Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.
It is certainly said that learning is an ongoing process .Every person learn something new according to their age, experience, knowledge and education. According to my point of view it is always better to have _teacher or guide for study.

One teacher has adequate knowledge to teach their student. He knows all the possible ways to make subject easier for the students, moreover, he teaches them in an effective manner. For example, some students are weak in some subjects but a teacher always guides them according to their mental capacity. He teaches them as fun. Some people can learn better in group by discuss the topics with others. In class people can know the views of others, even they know how we can learn effectively. Where the teacher always gives an easy direction to learn.
In the today’s competitive world, everybody is busy, some people think that rather to waste their time to go for classes they can learn better their subject _. They can attend online classes by using the Internet at home. They can get relevant information from the Internet regarding their topic. There is not specific time or age limit to learn something new. Some new things we can only learn from experience – for example new facts, new habits and so on.
In sum up, I would like to say that it is always better for the people to have a teacher because a teacher has good knowledge, experience and is educated how to teach others. People will learn from a teacher in an easier way rather than on their own.
Where are the paragraphs in this essay? You must be very careful using definitive words such as ‘always’ and making statements about facts. The essay is for you to provide an opinion and to provide supporting arguments. Also, the other side of the argument about teachers that have limited knowledge or people that learn better on their own is not presented here.

IELTS Essay, topic: A popular hobby rather than a favorite passtime

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Nowadays people like to change their day by day activities according to the latest trends and also they are following popular things what their surrounding peoples make them popular in their area. This essay will explain the reason why the people are spending more time
for popular hobbies rather than their individual activities.

Hobbies and interest are different for everyone; this is the human nature,which is given by god. The current generations peoples are very much interest in the latest trend which makes them happy and also help them to make more money. For example, cricket is the most famous game in many of the country, children and teen ages are starts playing it whenever they have free time in their daily life. This makes them will become a star in this game when they reach a certain age in their life. In addition, this popularity will help them to make lots of money in their life. Beside this, there are many hobby changes the peoples entire life into different way.
Those are from poor family aiming to spend more time to make money rather than on their own interests. However, some of them are not worry about the popular hobbies and interests. For instance, drinking alcohol is one of the popular hobbies between low income and high level budget peoples interest.
In conclusion, _spending more time for popular hobbies and interests really depends on their surrounding people’s activity and environments. It may be a helpful for them to become a star in their life or spending time with many friends.
Avoid statements such as ‘This essay will explain the reason’, your essay should present a point of view including supporting information and examples. The essay needs to be easy to follow, and in addition your English should be accurate and appropriate.
I suggest that you read several essays that have been awarded high band scores and think about how those writers have structured their essays.

IELTS Essay, topic: keeping pets to live a more enjoyable life

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Some people believe that having a pet such as a cat or a dog helps old people to live a more enjoyable life and to stay healthier. How do you think old people benefit from having a pet? Do you think there are any problems related to old people who have pets?
Pets have become far more familiar within mankind community, and indeed, the importance of relationship between human beings and their pets has been proved to be slightly exaggerated in some nations. However, although problems regarding animals’ hairs may affect the health conditions of old people, the benefits that these lovely animals bring to them, physically and mentally alike, are clearly undeniable.
In term of physical benefits, the well-being conditions of elderly people with pets are more favourable compared to those without pets, since not only do they have to take care of themselves, __ the responsibility that ensure their love one being fed and well looked after encourages them to become even more active. Due to these extra activities, this though might not have an obvious influence on their health, but at least this could help them to avoid bad living styles. Coupled with physical side, their mental wellbeing will also be improved, and the reason is that having someone to take care of would reduce the chance of feeling loneliness. Therefore, their depressing rate could be minimised.

In spite of the above advantages, the threats of too close interaction between pets and vulnerable old people still exist. One of the major concerns is the harmfulness of these animal hairs on their tracheas, especially those with asthma. Because of the virtually invisible in the air, many asthma symptoms are caused unconsciously by pets. In addition to the fact that old people might experience difficulty in looking after their pets, as their health conditions are limited, which could become even more challenge when they try t take care of others.

In conclusion, it is true that obstacles still exist for elderly people in adopting pets, but the benefits of this topic outnumber its shortages. For such reasons, instead of discontinuing them, further support would be far more beneficial.
You have made an attempt to accomplish the task response. However, there are quite a few mistakes in the essay – the main problematic areas are grammar, sentence structure and word choice. In addition, the length of the task response could be reduced. This task response needs to be worked on and improved. Revise grammar and work on your sentence structure. Avoid writing more than 280 words to save time and reduce the number of mistakes, and remember to always proofread your work once you’re finished. Overall, this looks like a Band 5.5 essay

IELTS Essay, topic: Capital Punishment

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Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes or violence increase. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Serious crimes need capital punishment so that the offender are unable to get involved in the crime in the future. However, If they want to stop the acts of violation in the future then it would be better to forget him and judge him for a change .

Overall, I agree with the fact that punishment is the way to avoid the crime to be increased and hence our lives become more secure. If the wrongdoer wants to be a good man and there is a particular financial or personal problem that led him to the wrong way, then it would be the nice option to forgive him and try to solve the problem he have. Although by this way, some bad man may become effective part of the society but some do not bring themselves to the right path because they are very much used to of it. The person that _ involved in the crime and never try to stop the law-breaking act should be punished in the extremely serious way. However, it totally depends on the nature of crime. Some crime led to a capital punishment and some may require a small penalty. The law-making institutions are responsible to bring the bad man to the right level of punishment that he deserves. If there is weak legislation to properly handle the offender, it may become our society less secure for the good man. The government should be the responsible authority to provide a secure and better state to live. Laws should be implemented and executed in the most proper way that do not allow the offender to commit violent acts or to break the law in any way and to any extent. To sum up, it is the responsibility of the state runner to stop people to involved in crime. It may be done through solving the problems of the people that led them to commit that violence act or by the punishment accordingly.

Where are the paragraphs? This is a good essay; however there are many small mistakes that might cost you dearly. There are also several unclear expressions and grammatical errors.
You should rewrite it, giving more thought to what is required, e.g. paragraphs.

IELTS Essay, topic: Modern medicine helps to live longer

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Modern medicine helps to live a longer life. Do you agree?
The modern medicine is very important for living a long life. It is depend on new technology. People take very easy and quickly. Also modern medicine is very quick absorbing to human body. It is helps to back to normal for people health condition. Therefore I agree that the modern medicine is helps to live longer.

First of all, the modern medicine can prevent incurable diseases. Doctors can find some diseases very early. Then doctors can give suitable medicines to patients. New modern equipments are helps doctors is going to correct way. Also intelligent people in the world live a long life on helps from modern medicine. That is very important in the human society because their creative things are coming with them and they can help others for a longer time when they are living in long life with comfortably.
Beside, old population is increasing in the country. It is badly effect in country’s economy and especially for third world countries. But old people are very important in human society because their experience definitely helps to living safely and planning to new project. ‘Experience is better than qualifications’ However, old people are living a long life; it is helping others to live a long life because we can get advice from them and they are covering our culture and society.
Moreover, modern medicine is being addictive for some people, so that they cannot live without medicine. They should take medicine all their lives. Also modern medicine is very expensive. Therefore most of poor countries couldn?t take modern medicine and it has taken a commercial shape, also it is depending on money. In the modern medicine have not facts of human kindness. People who have money can take modern medicine. But indigenous medicine has well human friendly shape. It does not depend on money.
To summarize; in my personal view, modern medicine is helping to live a long life with comfortably. Modern technologies are being supported to find unburnable diseases very early. So doctors can take correct path immediately. Therefore, may I not hesitate to agree with the above mentioned statement.
Your essay has several confusing sentences, where your meaning is unclear.
You mix advantages and disadvantages of the modern medicine in one paragraph when you should divide them – have advantages in one paragraph and disadvantages in another.
If you agree with the statement, you should have 2 paragraphs supporting your opinion and one supporting the opposite opinion, in your essay it is 2 against and 1 for.
The structure of sentences is not very good here and so is your grammar. Try reading more essays of Bands 6 and 7 to see how you can improve your writing. Read more tips in IELTS-blog and “Ace The IELTS” or “Target Band 7″ e-books.

IELTS Essay, topic: the mother’s and father’s role in a family

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Boys are most influenced by their fathers and girls are most influenced by their mothers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons to support your opinion.
It is true that nowadays parent have a great influence over the children. Some people hold the opinion that the same sex is the major determination of influencing parent, but others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that boys are most influenced by their fathers and girls are most influenced by their mothers. My arguments for this point are listed below.
First of all, a father is the person who have already passed that ways which are his son is passing now, in other words, sons are following their father’s footsteps. So, based on experience it is easy for a father to notice his sons’ drawbacks and to influence them.
Secondly, it is true that a boy is countedas a strong characteristics human , but a girl is a subtle and fragile one. It is hard for mothers to influence their sons, because it is not likely that vulnerable something can affect a strong one.
In conclusion, it seems to me unfair that boys are most influenced by their mothers. Based on at least two points above I strongly agree that children are influenced by a parent of the same gender.
This essay is too short, 190 words instead of the minimum requirement of 250. It doesn’t say anything about girls being influenced by their mothers, which is also a part of the task – therefore the task is only partially covered. The sentences are not complex enough, there are grammatical mistakes and inaccuracies (see comments underlined in blue). Overall, this looks like a Band 5.5 essay

IELTS Essay, topic: University money better spent on libraries or sports

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Universities should allocate the same amount of money to their sport activities as they allocate to their libraries. Do you agree or disagree?
Yes, I do feel that universities should have an equal budget for their libraries as well as _ sport activities. It is our general belief that a good player can not be _ good student and hence we restrict our children’s sport activities at college level. Moreover, an academic degree has much more value than sport activities which naturally compels students to focus more on their studies than their interest in sport.

Most of the universities keep sports at last number of their priority list, because of which good players do not get enough facilities and equipments to improve their skills and eventually they loose their interest.Universities can play _ substantial role in shaping this upcoming talent by providing good trainers and equipments which is otherwise too expensive to afford. Also it will attract other students towards sports and inculcate importance of physical fitness in them.
Universities should produce genious in all fields rather than only concentrating on progress of scholars. Hence, I feel that universities should allot equal amounts of money to liabrary as well as sport activities.
Your essay too short, the introduction is good, as is the first paragraph but you must offer more arguments regarding why you agree or disagree. There are many spelling, punctuation and article errors. The essay is easy to follow but has the appearance of the writer running short of time.

IELTS Essay, topic: Events bringing people together

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Popular events like the Football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tension and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tension in difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other governments were fighting over the land.

The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring nations together, at least temporarily. From the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each other after an event. Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to reach agreements to end their disputes and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a daily internal civil war. For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education, hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian and a low self-esteem. However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags. Moreover, the competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and celebrate peacefully.
In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions and liberating patriotic feelings as history has shown.
This is a great essay, the ideas, language, structure of paragraphs and sentences, and your grammar show a good command of the English language. In my opinion it is Band 8. Keep up the good work.

IELTS Essay, topic: Advertising

Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyone’s life. Some people say that advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it is a negative one. Discuss both views and include your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.
Many people wonder about advertisement. Some people think that it has negative impact in our life. However, others said it has been playing as positive effect on this world. This is not an easy essay to be answered, but I will look at this issue.

Why advertisement has been playing a negative effect in our life ? Of Course for several reasons: firstly, it motivates the psychological point in everyone, especially women. They will run to buy this advertised product especially if it’s from cosmetic roof, just to show their beauty to men, which will lead to more offender and raped cases. Secondly, you can sit comfortably with your family and suddenly the telephone is ringing, but it’s nothing important, it’s just another company try to convince you to buy one of their products. It is a real intrusive example of advertisement. Lastly, sometimes you do not have the financial ability to buy something, but with these new methods of advertisement, you will run to buy it, which will affect your budget.
On the other hand, there are some good sides to advertising. For instance, it compares the prices of many companies which benefit the consumer. Besides, it really opens our vision to see more products which we do not knowit unless the TV or Radio advertised them. In addition to, it breaks our daily routine and allows us to see new faces and learn the language better with the help of the daily updates they deliver through advertisement.
In conclusion, as we can see there are many aspects to this essay. I feel that we gain no benefits at all from advertisement, it plays on minds of people buy more things that they do not need it at all.
Your arguments are good and the paragraphs are set out well, however, you must be careful about making assertive statements, e.g. ‘ it motivates the psychological point in everyone’. How do you know that all advertisements do motivate every single person, for instance? Overall, this is a good essay, well done.

IELTS Essay, topic: The Internet as a source of information

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The Internet when used as a source of information, has more drawbacks than advantages. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Some people believe that internet access creates problems. There are several possible reasons why it can happen.

Firstly, some data may be unverifiable. For example, everytime they search for a data, there would be lots of choices that would appear on the screen. They would not be sure if the information they are reading is accurate. Some sources may even have outdated informations. Secondly, some sites may be unreliable. For instance, people sign up on one site that sells goods online. The goods would be paid for by a credit card, but the purchaser would not receive anything. And finally, not everything is available through the net. When my friend had tried to research for some pictures of 18th century paintings, he did not find any results. Then he was told by his teacher that they would only be available in the library.
Others believe that the Internet is very useful and these are the justifications. Firstly, it is hard to get the same data, that is available through the Internet by other means. For example, if the directory information could not give me the accurate address and contact number of a place I want to visit, I normally check that information on the Internet. In just one click, I would get all the details of that certain company. Secondly, research becomes more comprehensive. For instance, I do not have to buy lots of reading materials to complete my research. Most of the needed information can be found if I have Internet access. And finally, data is easily compared and contrasted. I remember, my cousin researched a study about overweight children a decade ago and at present. He was able to finish his research in just one day, as compared to a week if he would not use the Internet.
In conclusion, let me reiterate that the Internet plays a big role in our life, because it makes data retrieval and comparison easier.
This is a good essay, the arguments are clear, the language and the grammar are also fine. The structure needs to be improved a little bit – make paragraphs smaller, re-structure them to create 5 paragraphs from 4. In case of an argument essay – give your opinion in the conclusion only. In case of an opinion essay – give your opinion in the introduction

IELTS Essay, topic: Financial education

Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
It is an obvious fact that financial aspects are a major part of the daily life, as an adult and even as a young individual. Each and every one of us has to make financial decisions concerning recreation, health, education and more. The question is whether to start with financial education as part of school program or to postpone it for a later stage in life.
To begin with, being able to understand the value of money, the way the economic system works and to interpret financial news and its implications is a virtue. Without this virtue, an individual, even a young one, might suffer to some extent. For an example, a child who doesn’t understand the concept of money might find it more difficult to except choosing only one present out of more possible ones.
In addition, many adults are lacking capability of financial analysis. Quite often, the reason can be the lack of sound foundations or insecurity when it comes to financial terms and concepts. Starting from an early age, building a strong background, can very likely prevent such situation.

However, financial education necessarily involves quantifying and setting prices and value for services and goods. It can easily turn young people into cynical human beings who lack emotion. Furthermore, a tendency to self-concentration and egoism might rise when one start measuring everything from a profit-making perspective.
In conclusion, financial education has both pros and cons. In my opinion, the advantages are more significant than the disadvantages, making financial education an advisable component of the school program. The disadvantages should be thought of as a certain price that young people have to pay due to the characteristics of the world that we live in.
This is a wonderful essay. It covers the task, is correctly structured, the paragraphs are logically connected, the structure of sentences shows excellent command of the English language. The vocabulary is fine and both spelling and grammar are very good. See comments underlined in blue for some minor corrections. Overall, looks like a Band 7.5 – Band 8 essay.

IELTS Essay, topic: Space exploration

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With all the problems in the world today, spending money on space exploration is a complete waste. The money could be better spent on other causes.
Nations after nations, every day, every year, celebrates its achievements in space exploration. However, it is now the time to question how meaningful these blasts are. This essay aims to explain why it is questionable.

First, until all urgent and important matters of the globe have been solved, money bumped on space exploration is meaningless. It is not a common sense at all to invest millions of dollars researching and producing foods for astronauts (for space exploration purpose), while every day thousands of people are starving. Furthermore, the discovery of outer space only serves a minor group of people if the majority are even not well-educated. Those in rural areas or third-world nations do no even know how to prevent common threatening diseases such as AIDS and lung cancer.
Then, some may argue that the purpose of space exploration are to discover new lands, new energy resources or to deter potential threat to globe. Nevertheless, is it effective to do so while other alternatives are available? Lands on earth are no yet effectively used. New energy resources (e.g. solar and nuclear energy) have not yet been widely-used. Threats of plagues have not yet been deterred. All of these tasks that haven’t been tackled yet require money. That is why costly space discovery programs are a waste of resources.
In a nutshell, people should only invest in space exploration provided that urgent and important matters mentioned earlier in this essay have been solved. Also, purposes of space exploration campaigns should be studied carefully and other alternatives should be considered before the money is wasted.
This is a very good essay, well done.

IELTS Essay, topic: Computers instead of teachers

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As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom.
There is no doubt that education and the learning process has changed since the introduction of computers: The search for information has become easier and amusing, and connectivity has expedited the data availability. Though experts systems have made computers more intelligent, they have not yet become a substitute of the human interaction in the learning process. In my opinion what can be expected is a change of the teachers’ role, but not their disappearance from the classroom.
Nobody can argue that the acquisition of knowledge is more fun and easier with computers. The mere activity of touching and exploring this device constitutes an enjoyable task for a child. This, accompanied by the relaxing attitude and software interactivity, usually contributes to a better grasping of new knowledge. At a higher educational level the availability of digital books, simulators and other academic materials provide the student with an ever accessible source of information, that otherwise would not be at hand.
But, besides the increasing complexity and behavior of intelligent software, which is usually embedded in the academic digital material, the need for human interaction in the learning process will always be present, at least in the foreseeable future. There is the necessity for a human being to be able to determine what the specifics needs of each individual are. The expertise of a teacher in how to explain and adapt complex concepts to different individuals can hardly be mimicked by a computer, no matter how sophisticated its software is.
As computers are becoming a common tool for teaching, teachers should be more aware of their role as guides in the acquisition of knowledge rather than transmitters of facts. They have to be open minded to the changes that are taking places, keep updated and serve as problem solvers in the learning process, thus allowing students to discover the fact for themselves.
To summarize, in my personal view, teachers play and will continue to play an important role in the classroom, especially at the primary level. No matter how complex computers become, there will be no replacement for the human interaction, but in the way haw this interaction takes place.
This is an excellent essay! Are you a native English speaker? Well done. The only problem is that this essay is too long, 365 words instead of 250-265 maximum.

Some people say that the Internet is making the world smaller by bringing people together. To what extent do you agree that the internet is making it easier for people to communicate with one another?
In today?s world _ due to the advancement of technology new inventions are coming into existence. It is true that ‘Necessity is a mother of invention’. _ Internet is just like a wonder box, which contains every type of information. Besides it has also proved as a very important tool to connect people with one another.

In today’s modernized era nobody has sufficient time to write letters to their loved ones. Moreover it also takes longer to send or receive any information. But the Internet is the easiest way to send messages to our loved ones. Communication can be either in the form of e-mail or through text messages sent via internet to mobile phones. We can send and receive messages straight way.
In other hand today’s young generation mostly prefers to do chatting through the Internet. During such chatting we can write messages and get replies straight away. Moreover voice chatting is going to be very popular day-by-day.
As it is a reality the advantages and disadvantages resemble two sides of one coin, which usually runs parallel. So like other things internet also have some downsides, like causing people health problems for example, poor eye-sight, back ache or migraines. Today’s teenagers usually prefer to spend their time on the internet rather than to participating in other physical activities, which causing them to have a weaker physical health.
To conclude, I would like to say that the Internet is one of the most modernized and most successful tools, not only for communication, even to get most relevant information regarding every field in a very short period of time.
This is a great essay, well done! Remember, ‘the Internet’ is a proper noun, currently, there is only one. Pay attention to your punctuation – many commas are missing after linking words. Otherwise, the essay is well argued and set out.

IELTS Essay, Topic: Is financial education at school a must?

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Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
In many countries the discussion about financial education are getting more serious due to financial problems of young generation. Some people believed that financial education should be considered a mandatory subject at school. read comment

The common problem for those young people is that they don’t know how to spend money in right way. As we can see many advertisements often carry out the message, “Only 10 dollars a week, no deposits” which is misleading those young one think that living in debt is normal. Financial education is one of the solutions for this problem we mention above. The basic idea of financial education as a core school subject is to teach those young ones to understand the concept of using money and to estimate a risk of borrowing money to buy something in the future. …

However, there’s another factor we need to consider about. In my opinion, the role of financial education is getting more important and it should be a part of the school program but the parents are also important and have responsibility to teach their child to learn how to manage the money. More than 70% of young people’s money is come from their parents. In addition, it has to be considered that a student might become money-mind person, talking about money all the time in class or even in a public place. It can be harmful for some students and affect their normal social life.
In conclusion, I believed that financial education will have a positive effect on all young ones and other subject such social commutations should be considered just as important as financial education.
This essay needs work. It covers the task and presents enough arguments for and against, the structure on the essay level is fine. However there are many poorly structured sentences, many inappropriate expressions and many grammatical errors (see comments underlined in blue for more details). Overall, this looks like a band 6 – 6.5 essay.

IELTS Essay, Topic: Avoiding traffic accidents

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The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to raise age limit for the younger drivers and to lower age limit for the aged ones. Do you agree?
With the rapid increase in the number of vehicles on the road together with hush and rush lifestyles of drivers today, traffic accidents seem to be escalating in our society. Age of drivers contribute partly to number of traffic accidents but surely not as the main factor.
Those who agree with the statement would view young drivers assuming under 18 years old and older drivers to be reckless and therefore would be more prone to traffic accidents on the road. Lack of experience, forgetfulness, carelessness and poor fitness condition may be reasons for limiting age of drivers.

On the other hand, I would think that age is only a small determinant and we need to look at more effective measure such as reducing number of vehicles on the road through car pool, implementing more stringent regulations on alcohol drink driving and possibly to revise on the standard of driving test for young and old drivers on the road. Many drivers who are stuck in traffic jams also have busy lifestyles and therefore tend to become very stressed or distracted on the road. Thus I would think the government may have to look ways to improve road infrastructure and traffic jams to deter or reduce accidents on the road.

To sum up, age is only one of the many contributors for accidents but I do not agree that by lowering age for the elderly and raising age limit for the younger drivers is the best method. As mentioned in my third paragraph, we need to look at other more effective measures which deal with the underlying problems in the society which lead to traffic accidents.
This essay needs some work. You should present two sides of the argument, for example “those in favor of X, say …” – ” those against Y point out that …” and leave your own opinion for the conclusion paragraph. Stating your opinion all over the essay is harming its structure. See comments (underlined in blue) for more suggestions for improvement. Overall, looks like a Band 6.5 essay.

IELTS Essay, topic: Should tobacco be prohibited?

Should the same laws which prohibit the sale and consumption of heroin be applied to tobacco? Discuss.
Recently, a heated debate arouse when a few reputable health organizations suggested the application of a similar act of heroin selling and usage prohibition _. In this assay, I will analyze why the adoption of such a law could be a breakthrough in our youngsters’ safety, according to my vision.

Firstly, tobacco does not differ much from heroin when it comes to the addictive effect. Nicotin , the active ingredient in tobacco, exerts its effect by acting directly on smoker’s brain cells. Numerous experiments carried out by scientist on animals, specailly rats, proved that this toxic chemical does lead by time to dependency, just similarly to the effect experienced with herion.
Secondly, the restriction on cigerattes selling would surely show an instant decline in tobacco smoking. ” Having easy access to cigarettes puts a tremendous pressure, especially on teenagers,to resist such a temptation” Dr.Hisham , head of Pschycology department at Alexandria Medical college , states firmly. “Giving the new generation the sense that the severity of smoking is equivilant to other lethal drugs usage woulod be a life saving step, they will thank us for as they get older.” he continues.
To recapitulate, applying of a futuristic law such as the suggested one will definetly have a positive impact ,not only on young people’s health but on our society as a whole.
Well done! This is a good essay, however, you should take care of your spelling.

IELTS Essay, topic: Environmental problems

Nowadays environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual persons or individual countries. In other words, it is an international problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
An essential problem of the 21st century is world pollution. Currently the environment is so contaminated that urgent measures should be taken. A single individual cannot be blamed for the world pollution, however every person should take care of his or her habitat. In addition, it is vital that environmental issues are treated internationally.

Lately, many presentations, conferences and international summits are held to deal with waste treatment, recycling, and soil and water contamination. For sure joint efforts and consolidation can only help in the mutual war towards the ongoing environmental disaster. For instance, governments should offer support to companies and organizations, involved in manufacturing, industry or agriculture in order to find environment-friendly approaches. These could be special law regulations, recycling programs, helping courses in order to implement ISO certificates and many more.
However, the influence of individuals over environment should not be ignored. If we do not confess that our planet is our home, we will never be able to take adequately care of it. We have to contribute every day to the preservation of nature and environment. For example, always remember to save energy by switching off lamps, computers and everything that we do not use. Our next obligation is to separate waste and throw bulk only in the designated areas. Driving vehicles can also be environment friendly. For example, we have to avoid accelerating the engines too rapidly or using the air conditioning in the country, where it would be better to save energy and simply open the windows.
To sum up, environmental problems should be handled by local and international authorities as well as individuals. Every single person should take care of the environment, moreover we have to bring up our children to be conscious citizens of a clean and preserved planet.
This is a very good essay, a Band 7+ candidate. The structure of this essay and sentences is correct as well as the spelling and punctuation. Good job!

IELTS Essay, topic: The Internet and communication

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Some say that the Internet is making the world smaller by bringing people together. To what extent do to you agree that the Internet is making it easier for people to communicate with one another?
A global village, that is certainly what the world feels like nowadays. With the help of the world wide web, you can reach out and get to know people you might never have met in person. Articles can be co-authored, business deals can be finalized, degrees can be earned and at times even medical advice can be given- and all of this is just a click away.

Electronic mail, instant messages, web cameras and microphones; all these gadgets and programs make the presence of the other person more real. Who knows; with the help of visual reality you might even get a 3-D image of the speaker! I believe that the Internet is one the best inventions of the last century, you can hardly get to miss anyone and nobody is really out of reach. You can keep in touch with your friends, and be able to do your work from your bedroom in your pajamas!
However, the internet can also be a major source of harassment. Spammers and hackers can invade your privacy and get personal/confidential information, which otherwise they will never get access to. You are never out of anybody’s reach, unless you make a conscious decision of not checking your email, there can be always more work waiting for you in your inbox and you might never have a moment to yourself. Worse yet, if you were a workaholic, you might never experience that stress-free vacation ever again in your life – simply, because you have your mobile workplace with you at all times.
As a romantic, I will always look forward to getting an occasional letter in the snail mail. A personal letter, where I can sense the mood of the writer by the slants in his/her handwriting and get to know him/her better. But as a type A personality person, the internet gives me all what I dream of in terms of communication – the speed, reliability, and convenience of time and place. I can certainly tolerate its shortcomings any day, as long as it keeps me close to my loved ones.
This is a great essay, which seems worthy of Band 7 or perhaps even 8. It is longer than required (340 words instead of 250) which means that it took you more time to write and less time to check your work.

IELTS Essay, topic: Globalization

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Even though Globalization affects the world’s economics in a very positive way, its negative sides should not be forgotten. Discuss.
Everything has tow sides in the world, and so has the prosses of globalization too. The effects of globalization on the world economy are diverted.
We must acknowledge that the negative effects are from a different kind than the positive ones.Therfor the negative sides, like low paiment in less developed countries are important to conciderate.
If we take the Eurozone for example, the economic changes according to the gloablisation process are huge. Many companies have transferred their factories into cheaper production earies to compeat in the world markes. The results are rising unemployment rates in the “old industrial countries”.

In regard to the other countries on the world market, such as China, this job transfer is a big opportunity. But no one can denie that the consequences for the less developed countries where economy flourished, based on availability of cheap employees are highly important: globalization based on this facts brings enviromantal problems.
Nevertheless, there are also posive reasons for globlaistaional effects. In general it is remarkable that there is a new tendency in “Thinking Global”. For instance, people are willing to leran more languages and get educated about othe cultures. Countries fromaly knowen as undeveloped, such as India, are getting chances to be the main leader in a certain field.
All in all it can be said that the effects of globalization are enormous. The unerstanding of economic processes has changed completely. It is important to think in bigger terms, not just about the owen country. The positive things that this globalization process have brought must sensible us for the negative sides. The all over aim should be a world in balance, but this has yet to come.
This essay needs work. There are multiple spelling errors and unclear expressions (see comments underlined in blue). Also there are many words that are formed incorrectly (diverted instead of diverse, etc). There are too many paragraphs, all you need is 4 – 5 well-structured paragraphs, not 7 poorly structured ones. On the bright side, the task is covered and there are enough words (275), which is good. The paragraphs are logically connected and the linking words are used effectively. Overall, this looks like a Band 6 essay.


"Sharing Websites On English To All My Friends"

I am very happy to share these websites on English to all my friends, especially, for my friends who want to learn English and improve and understand easily.
I usually study these sites for my English.
I am also a beginner who is learning English.
I honestly say, These sites are very, very, very useful and good for me.
I am a student, so, I have a little time to use internet at night except weekend. I want to meet my all friends who are interesting in English like me and chat each others and share what we have already known on English happily.
I want to know something on English from my friends, that's why, please share to me your experiences on English.
how I should learn and do to improve my English.
My thanks are going to you for that.
Now, I shared some websites which are very useful and beneficial for us on English.
I want all my friends to improve theirs English. for Grammar) for four skills) for only speaking) for four skills) for four skills) for four skills) (better for four skills)

Thanks for your reading and learning.
May all you be always happy, healthy and success.
Happy Study"

English short cut (စကားတုိေလးေတြပါ) English စာေလ့လာေနသူေတြအတြက္ေတာ့
အသုံး၀င္မယ္ထင္ပါတယ္။ က်ေနာ္တခါတေလ shortcut ေလးေတြသံုးလုိက္ရင္ တစ္ခ်ဳိ ့
လူေတြကသိပ္နားမလည္းၾကဘူး။ မွားတာေလးေတြပါသြားရင္လည္း ခြင့္လႊတ္ေပးႀကပါ။
တစ္ခ်ဳိ ့စာလံုးေတြကလြယ္လြန္းအားႀကီးမယ္။ တစ္ခ်ဳိ ့စာလံုးေတြကလည္းေတာ္ေတာ္
ေလးမွတ္သားဖုိ႔ေကာင္းပါတယ္။ က်ေနာ္တတ္သေလာက္ေလးပဲမွ်ေပးလုိက္ တာပါ။
တစ္ခ်ဳိ ့စာလံုးေတြကုိလည္း ခင္ဗ်ားတုိ႔သိ့ၿပီးသားေတြၿဖစ္မွာပါ။
က်ေနာ့္ဆရာႀကီးေမာင္ေမာင္၀မ္းအား ထာ၀ရႀကည္ညုိေလးစားလွ်က္။

  • Something like that - ဒါမ်ဳိးေပါ့
  • Nothing like that - ဒါမ်ဳိးမဟုတ္ဘူး
  • Leave it to me - ငါ့တာ၀န္ထားလုိက္
  • Why so soon? - ေလာလွခ်ည္လား
  • No need to hurry - ေလာဖုိ႔မလုိဘူးေလ
  • No need to worry - စုိးရိမ္ဖုိ႔လည္းမလုိဘူး
  • Mind your own business - ကုိယ့္အလုပ္ကုိယ္လုပ္
  • I am sorry; I beg your pardon - ေတာင္းပန္ပါတယ္
  • Work with heart and soul - စိတ္ေရာကုိယ္ပါလုပ္
  • Need anything? - ဘာအလုိရွိပါသလဲ
  • Just the same - အတူတူပါပဲ
  • What can I do for you? - ကြ်န္ေတာ္ဘာအကူအညီေပးရမလဲ
  • Not at all - ကိစၥမရွိဘူးရပါတယ္
  • What a pity! - သနားစရာပဲ
  • Don’t tease me! - ငါ့ကုိမစနဲ ့
  • Have the heart? - စိတ္ပါရဲ့လား
  • Would that be ok? - ဒါအဆင္ေၿပမွာလား
  • You mind me? - ငါ့ကုိစိတ္ဆုိးလား
  • Don’t mind me - ငါ့ကုိစိတ္မဆုိးပါနဲ
  • Coming with me? - ငါနဲအတူလုိက္မလား
  • What do you do? - ခင္ဗ်ားကဘာအလုပ္ လုပ္ပါသလဲ
  • Noisy talk! - ဆူလုိက္တာ
  • Can u get down a little? - နည္းနည္းေလွ်ာ့ပါအံုး
  • How sweet of you - တယ္ဟုတ္ပါလား
  • Just drop in - လမ္းႀကံဳရင္၀င္ပါ
  • Hurry up please - ၿမန္ၿမန္လုပ္
  • Will you join us? - ႀကံဳတုန္း၀င္စားသြားအံုးေလ
  • What a bother! - တယ္ရႈပ္တာပဲ
  • Let’s have a talk - စကားေၿပာႀကစုိ ့
  • No more work at present - ေလာေလာဆယ္အလုပ္မရွိဘူး
  • Most pleased - ႀကိဳက္သြားၿပီ
  • What line? - ဘယ္လမ္းကသြားမွာလဲ
  • Real smart - သိပ္ရႈိးက်တာပဲ
  • One thing to say - ေၿပာစရာစကားတစ္ခြန္းရွိတယ္
  • I’ll be off - ကြ်န္ေတာ္သြားေတာ့မယ္
  • What things? - ဘာေတြလဲ
  • What sort? - ဘာအမ်ဳိးအစားေတြလဲ
  • Just things - စုံလုိ ့ေပါ့
  • Fair price - ေဈးသင့္တယ္
  • Market price - ေပါက္ေဈးေလ
  • Profile beauty! - ေဘးေစာင္းႀကည့္ရင္လွတယ္
  • Attractive smile! - စဲြေဆာင္လုိက္တဲ့အၿပံဳး
  • Leave me alone - ကုိယ့္ဘာသာကုိယ္ေနပါရေစ
  • What about? - ဘာေတြေၿပာေနတာလဲ
  • Just gossip - အတင္းေၿပာေနၾကတာေလ
  • Up to you - မင္းသေဘာေပါ့/ပဲ
  • Need I tell you? - ေၿပာဖုိ႔လုိေသးသလား
  • I lost patient - စိတ္တုိလာၿပီ
  • I cannot stand - သည္းမခံႏိုင္ေတာ့ဘူး
  • Good-natured - စိတ္ေကာင္းရိွတယ္
  • Evil-minded - စိတ္ပုတ္ရွိတယ္
  • I can’t leave you - ငါမင္းကုိမခြဲႏိုင္ဘူး
  • Don’t leave me alone - ငါ့ကုိမခြဲသြားပါနဲ႔
  • When for? - ဘယ္ေတာ့လဲ
  • Without effort, no success - ႀကိဳးစားမႈမရွိရင္ ေအာင္ၿမင္မႈမရွိဘူး
  • What’s up? - ဘာလုပ္ေနတာလဲ။ဘာၿဖစ္ေနတာလဲ
  • Thank you for saying that - အခုလုိေၿပာတဲ့အတြက္ေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္
  • Dark curly hair! - ေကာင္လုိက္တဲ့ဆံပင္
  • Delicate skin! - ေကာင္းလုိက္တဲ့အသားအေရ
  • Keeping on hoping - ေမွ်ာ္လင့္ခ်က္ဆက္ထားပါ
  • What you mean? - ဘာဆုိလုိတာလဲ
  • Don’t care enough - ရက္စက္လုိက္တာ
  • Have courage - တရားနဲသာေၿဖ
  • Getting hurt - ထိခ်က္ကနာတယ္
  • Get any sleep? - အိပ္ေပ်ာ္ရဲ့လား
  • Let me treat - မင္းစားတာငါရွင္းမယ္
  • Dutch treat - ကုိယ္စားတာကုိယ္ရွင္း
  • Could u please repeat that? - ေနာက္တစ္ေခါက္ေလာက္ထပ္ေၿပာပါအံုး
  • Take it easy! - စိတ္သက္သက္သာသာထားပါ
  • Mind your own way - ကုိယ္လမ္းကုိယ္ေလွ်ာက္
  • I shall miss you - ငါမင္းကုိလြမ္းတယ္
  • Let me see - စဥ္းစားပါရေစ
  • Just a moment - ခဏေလး
  • Talk it out - အကုန္ေၿပာလုိက္ပါ
  • Aiming for what? - ဘာအတြက္ရည္ရြယ္တာလဲ
  • Familiar voice - ဒီအသံႀကားဖူးတယ္
  • Sooner or later - အေႏွးနဲအၿမန္ေပါ့
  • Any hardship? - ဘာၿခားနားေနလုိ႔လဲ
  • Narrow-minded - အၿမင္က်ဥ္းတယ္
  • Off you go - သြားေတာ့ေနာ္
  • What happened? - ဘာၿဖစ္ေနလဲ
  • Make ready - အသင့္ၿပင္ပါ
  • Nothing for nothing - အလုပ္မရွိအလုပ္ရွာတယ္
  • You enjoy it? - ဒါႀကိဳက္ရဲ့လား ။ စားလုိ႔ေကာင္းလာ
  • Don’t say like that - ဒီလုိမေၿပာရဘူးေလ
  • Have you a good time? - အားလပ္ခ်ိန္ရွိရဲ့လား
  • Pick me up - ငါ့ကုိလာေခၚပါ
  • Don’t darling me - လာမခြ်ဲေနနဲ႔
  • What’s your altitude? - မင္းသေဘာထားကဘယ္လုိလဲ
  • Any difference? - ဘာကြာလုိ႔လဲ
  • Well-cooked - ခ်က္တာေကာင္းတယ္
  • Well-played - ကစားတာေကာင္းတယ္
  • I know nothing about it - အဲ့ဒီအေႀကာင္းကြ်န္ေတာ္ဘာမွမသိ့ဘူး
  • It’s hard to say - ေၿပာဖုိ႔ခက္တယ္
  • Getting hungry - ဆာလွၿပီ
  • Getting tired - ေမာလွၿပီ
  • I hope you don’t mind - မင္းစိတ္မဆုိးဘူးလုိ႔ငါေမွ်ာ္လင့္ပါတယ္
  • It is none of you business - ဒါမင္းအလုပ္မဟုုတ္ဘူး
  • I have my reason - ကုိယ့္ေႀကာင္းနဲကုိယ္ေပါ့ေလ
  • That sound fine/great - သိပ္ေကာင္းတာေပါ့
  • You hear me? - ငါေၿပာတာႀကားရဲ့လာ
  • Make yourself at home - ကုိယ့္အိမ္လုိသေဘာထားပါ
  • Don’t talk too loudly - စကားက်ယ္က်ယ္မေၿပာနဲ႔
  • To Whom - ဘယ္သူ႔ဆီကိုလဲ
  • From whom - ဘယ္သူ႔ဆီကလဲ
  • Don’t find fault - အၿပစ္မရွာနဲ႔
  • Don’t deceive me - ငါ့ကုိမလွည့္ဖ်ားနဲ႔
  • You trust me? - ငါေၿပာတာယံုရဲ့လာ
  • Tell me another - မင္းေၿပာတာငါမယံုဘူး
  • A pretty clever idea - ေကာင္းလုိက္တဲ့စိတ္ကူး
  • This is nonsense - အဲ့ဒါအဓိပၸယ္မရိွဘူး
  • See u off - လုိက္ပုိ႔မယ္
  • Is that right? - အဲ့ဒါအမွန္ပဲလာ
  • Who told u that - အဲ့ဒါဘယ္သူေၿပာတာလဲ
  • A piece of cake - ဒါအေသးအဖဲြပါ
  • What are you laughing at? - ဘာကုိႀကည့္ၿပီးရယ္ေနတာလဲ
  • That’s out of question - ဒါအရွင္းႀကီးပဲေလ
  • Silly idea! - ေပါေႀကာင္ေႀကာင္စိတ္ကူး
  • Frankly please - ပြင့္ပြင့္လင္းလင္းေၿပာပါ
  • Easy and comfortable - သက္သက္သာသာရွိတယ္
  • Thank you for the lift - လုိက္ပုိ႔တဲ့အတြက္ေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္
  • You can say yes to me - ငါေၿပာတာလက္ခံံရဲ့လား
  • I’ll be right back - ငါၿပန္လာခဲ့မယ္
  • I feel very much alone - အားငယ္မိ့တယ္
  • What’s puzzled you? - ဘာေတြစိတ္ရႈပ္ေနတာလဲ
  • You are suffering? - ခံစားေနရသလား
  • How lucky you are! - ကံေကာင္ပါေပ့/လုိက္တာ
  • How dare you are! - လုပ္ရက္ပါေပ့/လုိက္တာ
  • One way or another - တစ္နည္းမဟုတ္တစ္နည္းေပါ့
  • What position? - ဘာရာထူးလဲ / ဘာအဆင့္လဲ
  • Sweet to look at - ႀကည့္လုိ႔ကုိမ၀ဘူး
  • Soft spoken - တုိးတုိးေၿပာပါ
  • Anybody at home? - အိမ္ရွင္တုိ႔ (အိမ္ထဲမွာဘယ္သူလဲ)
  • Are you kidding? - မင္းငါ့ကုိေနာက္ေနတာလာ/ေလွာင္
  • I am not kidding - ငါတကယ္ေၿပာေနတာ (ငါေနာက္ေနတာမဟုတ္ဘူး)
  • No kidding - မေလွာင္ပါနဲ႔ / မေနာက္ပါနဲ႔

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